Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Better Late Than Never

Im a little tardy in my posting so I will try and get caught up!
  What a great opporitunity this is for all of us!  I have loved the Personal Trainer Sessions (love/hate right?)  shout out to Chad Whoot Woot!  The Eating has posed more of a challenge for me... I feel like I have definetly improved and am more aware of my choices... its very hard not to obbsess about it.. and hard not to fell discouraged and overwhelmed at times.  I am trying to take one day at a time and make the next best choice.
    The weight loss is very slow and a little disheartening.  I love Diet Coke I mean really love it and am having a very difficult time w the water drinking when im not at the gym...i am trying to decide on if I should try and give it up all together during these 100 days and see if it makes a difference in the weight loss! ugh I cant believe I just said that!
    This weekend was difficult we had company (great friends) come and stay with us and we also had a family dinner on sunday (my assignment was homemade rolls YIKES) needless to say I had a very difficult time w the eating,, but still learning and realizing im not perfect I can learn and move on right???  Heres to a week full of opporitunities for improvement!!!!